Infrastructure-2017 4 th Quarter (1 st October - 31 st December)
Issues Dimensions
Economic Social Environmental
1 Aging infrastructure (buildings and water) Vulnerability Maintenance Cost
Ease of access to buildings and water supply
Age of building
21 to 30
Resilience Functional use of Buildings
Somewhat Effective
Emergency Shelter Certification
40 to 60%
Disaster Damage Risk
Somewhat Likely
2 Poor Road Network ( quality of road) Vulnerability Maintenance Cost
Ease of access
Improper Drainage
60 TO 80%
Resilience Improve Maintenance of Roads
Improved Community Access
10 to 20
Proper Drainage
30 to 60%
3 Lack of a land use plan (absence of land zoning plan) and inadequate adherence to land use policy Vulnerability Increased cost of regularizing unplanned developments
5 to 30%
Unplanned community development (commercial and residential)
10 to 20
Destruction to animal and water sanctuaries
10 to 20
Resilience Regulation for land use
4 to 8
Public Education and awareness programmes
6 to 10
Legislation for protected areas
6 to 10